Wednesday, On Zoom
- Zoom link
- Sherry presents on Olia Lialina and we discuss
- Today’s Notes
- Talk about the goals of a critique and look at Hello World gifs
- HTML Review, embedded elements, CSS intro
- In class exercise – Internet First Memories (time permitting)
- Introduce Explainer
- Reminder, our next session is in person on Monday.
- Create a presentation (PDF, Slides, Dropbox Paper…) that highlights three different ideas for your Explainer project. For each one, describe the feature you’d like to teach the class, your interest in it, and a few examples of existing research around this. Consider what kind of content you’d need to tell this story.
- Read The Crystal Goblet – Beatrice Warde, Drowning the Crystal Goblet – Matthew Butterick, and What’s Crystal Goblet in Korean – Jiwon Lee and write a response that compares all three readings.
- Optional: Read through the notes from today and try the “Practice” activities. We will go over next week.